—— Part-time Reality Park for the young with no style ——
Personal Thinking, 2020
Tutor: Suri
Keywords: No style / No typology / No exploitation

Pastoral 1905, Henri Matisse, from wikiart
I refer to our need for
the sun,
the wind,
the sky,
the need for touching, smelling, sleeping, making love,
and being in the open air,
instead of being surrounded by closed walls.
What if there is no style. no typology, no exploitation…
How to situate yourself in the house with no style?

No Style
Contemporary city blackmails us into constant striving through the withholding of shelters, and the breaking down of solidarity through fame, competition, and technologies. According to the mainstream capitalist, objectivist, and technology-optimist narratives, we should have reached middle class, freedom Utopia by now – which is clearly not at all the case. On the contrary, we are all lost in the metropolis.
No Typology
There is another form of impoverishment, less visible yet equally devastating… This is the loss produced by the long history of capitalist assault on our autonomous powers. The complex needs, desires, and capacities that millions of years of evolutionary development in close relation with nature have sedimented in us, constitute one of the main sources of our resistance to exploitation. I refer to our need for the sunlight, the wind, the sky, the need for touching, smelling, sleeping, falling in love, and being in the open air, instead of being surrounded by closed partition walls or office cubicles. Insistence on the discursive construction of the body has made us lose sight of this reality. Yet this accumulated structure of needs and desires that has been the precondition of our social reproduction has been a powerful limit to the exploitation of labor, which is why, from the earliest phase of its development, capitalism had to wage a war against our body, making it a signifier for all that is limited, material, and opposed to reason. That’s called the alienation of humans.
No Exploitation
During the modernization process, Typologies in housing function as a bio-political strategy when life started to be disciplined and coerced, reflectively using desire in order to extract productivity from human beings for economic accumulation and growth. Jobs! That cultural production as a mask and mechanism that prolongs the Empire of jobs has become the main source of accumulation of our energies. This kind of organization and rationalization of life around industrial, administrative, and service-based work for profit had created all kinds of Inevitable contradictions because humans are emotional, ever-changing species with desires for freedom that will always conflict with exploitation – regardless of its form.
Develop new lifestyles and reconsider the preoccupations

Will you stay for inhabitation?

Or go back to your old routine?