Running Corridor

GSAPP 2021FALL STUDIO (2021.12)


Tutor: Michael Bell

Partner: Qiwei Sun

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The community of Parkchester in the Bronx has been suffering from the noise and pollution caused by the
Cross Bronx Expressway. The expressway is a broad corridor, for vehicles instead of the community. Thousands of vehicles run past every day, leaving nothing but chaos. New corridors are to be established over the CBE, creating new pedestrian connections in the community. Activities unfold in and around the folding corridor, forming a new expressway for local residents. The capping is a mode for reproducing expressway spaces, The corridors introduced not only allow people to run through it, but also run itself from here to there, extending from Parkchester to the whole CBE, and even all expressways cutting into the city.

Site Plan
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Overview of Model